Thursday, October 23, 2008

M$ VS2008 下的 Device Application

在 V$ 2008 下建 Device 程式共有下列地方要修改

1. Library Issue : Use MFC in a Shared DLL.

Configuration Properties -> General -> Use of MFC

2. Unicode Issue :

(1) Treat wchar_t as Built-in Type : No

Configuration Properties -> C/C++ -> Language -> Treat wchar_t as Build-in Type

(2) Entry Point : wWinMainCRTStartup

Configuration Properties -> Linker -> Advanced -> Entry Point

3. Message MAP Macro.

Remove Class Name In Message MAP Macro

4. Deployment : Remote Directory.

Configuration Properties -> Deployment -> Remote Directory

5. Debugging, Remote Executable

Configuration Properties -> Debugging -> Remote Executable

6. For "warning C4812...", Modify Relation Template Function.

Compiler Warning (level 1) C4812

Error Message

obsolete declaration style: please use 'new_syntax' instead

In the current release of Visual C++, the explicit constructor specialization is still supported, but it may not be supported in a future release.

The following sample generates C4812:

// C4812.cpp
// compile with: /W1 /c
class MyClass;

class MyClass {

MyClass::MyClass() {} // C4812
// try the following line instead
// MyClass::MyClass() {}

7. Run App, …. Can Not Execute! If Use MFC / ATL!

Solution : Copy

(1) mfcce400(d).dll,

D:\Microsoft\WindowsCETools\wce500\Royaltek RC7B\Mfc\Lib\ARMV4I

(2) olece400(d).dll,

D:\Microsoft\WindowsCETools\wce500\Royaltek RC7B\Mfc\Lib\ARMV4I

(3) msvcr90(d).dll [At Least]

D:\Microsoft\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC\ce\dll\armv4i

To Device Exe Folder!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

WaveCOM Q2686/Q2687 PC GPRS 上網 Error 692 Or 777

Issue :
用 WaveCOM Q2686 一直無法以 GPRS 上網,

Point :
Trace Modem 的 Log [註 1.],

Reason : Baud Issue
Trace Log 後, 發現 Based On 該 Modem 的 Dial Up Network 會以該 "Default Perferences" [註 2.] Speed 和 Modem 作 Communication, 但 WaveCOM 的 "Autobauding" 似乎沒 Work (Or 自己還不會設定, Telit Default 就 Enable, So 很容易就上網了)

Solution :
因還不會調 XP 的 "Default Perferences" [註 2.], So 就調整 WaveCOM 的 Baud Rate, 以 WaveCOM 的
先 Check 目前 Baud Rate, 再以 :
將 Q2686 Module Baud Rate 設定為 38400, Disconnect Terminal 後再以 38400 Connect Module 後同樣以
檢查一次. 確定無誤後 WaveCOM Q2686 的 Dial Number 記得要設成
Dial Up Network 的 Max Baud Rate [註 3.] 也要跟著調成 38400(否則一樣無法撥接成功)

[註 1.] : => Select Modem / Properties / Diagnostics / View Log
[註 2.] : => Select Modem / Properties / Advanced / Change Default Perferences.../ General / Port Speed
[註 3.] : => Select Dial Up Network / General / Configure... / Maximum speed(bps)

WinCE 要 Check 一下看有沒有那該屎的 "Default Perferences" [註 2.], 若有的話....又有的玩了...

Friday, October 17, 2008

RasSetEntryProperties, 2008/10/17

達成 RAS Entry Properties Set 功能已經四天了, 再不紀錄就快忘了. 先提幾個 Key Point, (1) Binary Data Structure 似乎找不到正式文件, 得笨笨的一個一個猜, (2) Device Name 和 Entry Name 不要混淆, 上週一就是這部份混淆了, 否則上週一就完成了, 之後還是靠比對 寫入 & Dialog 產生 的 Binary Data 才知道問提出在這.
RASRegSet 是以 Export Entire Class 的 DLL 方式 Implement, 主要的檔案有 3 個, Macro.h, CRASRegSet.h CRASRegSet.cpp, 分別 List 如下 (For WinCE 5.0) :
Macro.h (For Export Entire Class PreDefine)

#ifndef __RAS_MACRO__
#define __RAS_MACRO__

#ifndef AFX_EXT_DATA
#ifdef _AFXEXT



// CRASRegSet.h: interface for the CRASRegSet class.

#if !defined(AFX_CRASREGSET_H__96AA9E65_FEE2_441F_A7E2_57CEF87FA627__INCLUDED_)
#define AFX_CRASREGSET_H__96AA9E65_FEE2_441F_A7E2_57CEF87FA627__INCLUDED_

#if _MSC_VER > 1000
#pragma once
#endif // _MSC_VER > 1000

#include "Macro.h"

#define __REG_NAME__ _T("BT Connection")
#define __DEVICE_NAME__ _T("Bluetooth DUN on COM2") // Modem Friendly Name, [PS1]
#define __PHONE_NUMBER__ _T("\*99\#")
#define __COUNTRY_CODE__ 0×376
#define __AREA_CODE__ _T("03")
#define __AT_CMD_LEN__ 331

// Following Data Struct Is Reversing From HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Comm\RasBook\Xxxx, (Xxxx Is Modem Device Name)
// Use For API RasSetEntryProperties Parameter, For Set Modem & Extra Command Like "+cgdcont=1,"ip","internet"
// 2008/10/03, Tony.Jou

typedef struct {

WORD wHeader; // 0×00(L:2), Val = 0×30, Unknown

WORD wWaitForCreditCardSec; // 0×02(L:2), Val = 0×0, Wait For Credit Card Tone Seconds,

WORD wCancelTimeOut; // 0×04(L:2), Val = 78 00 -> 0×78

WORD wReserved1; // 0×06(L:2), Val = 0×0,

BYTE bFlowControl; // 0×08(L:1), Val = 0×0,
// F.C. = None, Val = 0×0,
// F.C. = H.W., Val = 0×10,
// F.C. = S.W., Val = 0×20,

BYTE bWaitForDialTone; // 0×09(L:1), Val = 0×1, Wait For Dial Tone Before Dialing
// Enable Wait For Dial Tone Before Dialing, Val = 0×1
// Disable Wait For Dial Tone Before Dialing, Val = 0×3

WORD wReserved2; // 0×0A(L:2), Val = 0×0,

UINT uBaudRate; // 0×0C(L:4), Val = 00 c2 01 00, 0×0001c200 = 115200

WORD wTerminal; // 0×10(L:2), Val = 00(L^) 00(H) -> 0×0, digital (d2)(d1)(d0),
// d2:Manual Dial,
// d1:Use terminal window before dialing,
// d0:Use terminal window after dialing,

BYTE bDataBits; // 0×12(L:1), Val = 0×8,

BYTE bStopBits; // 0×13(L:1), Val = 0×0,
// StopBits = 1, Val = 0×0
// StopBits = 1.5,Val = 0×1
// StopBits = 2, Val = 0×2

WORD wParity; // 0×14(L:2), Val = 00(^L) 00(H) -> 0×0
// Parity = None, Val = 0×0
// Parity = Odd, Val = 0×1
// Parity = Even, Val = 0×2
// Parity = Mark, Val = 0×3
// Parity = Space,Val = 0×4

WCHAR wszAtCmd[__AT_CMD_LEN__]; // 0×16(L:662),
// __AT_CMD_LEN__ ->331, Why "331" -> Reg DevCfg TotalLen : 684(0~0×2AB)
// 684(0~0×2AB) - 22(0×0~0×15->0×16) = 662(0×16~0×2AB->0×296)
// 662(0×16~0×2AB->0×296) / sizeof(WCHAR)
} sDevConfig;

virtual ~CRASRegSet();
bool UpdateRASReg();

sDevConfig m_DevConfig;
bool InitVar();
bool GetRASEntries();
bool GetDeficeID(TCHAR *btname, int *iDeviceID);

#endif // !defined(AFX_CRASREGSET_H__96AA9E65_FEE2_441F_A7E2_57CEF87FA627__INCLUDED_)


// CRASRegSet.cpp: implementation of the CRASRegSet class.

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "CRASRegSet.h"

#ifdef _DEBUG
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[]=__FILE__;
#define new DEBUG_NEW

// Construction/Destruction




bool CRASRegSet::UpdateRASReg()
DWORD dwRet = 0;
bool bRet = false;
DWORD dwBufferSize = 0;
DWORD dwSize = 0;

int iLineID = 0;
int iDeviceID = 0;

LONG lRet = -1;

// This is important! Find the buffer size (different from sizeof(RASENTRY)).
RasGetEntryProperties(NULL, L"", NULL, &dwBufferSize, NULL, NULL);
dwSize = sizeof(m_DevConfig);

bRet = InitVar();
//bRet = true;

if (bRet) {

dwRet = RasSetEntryProperties(

switch (dwRet) {

bRet = (dwRet?false:true);

dwBufferSize = 0;

m_RASEntry.dwSize = sizeof(RASENTRY);

RasGetEntryProperties(NULL, __REG_NAME__, NULL, &dwBufferSize, NULL, NULL);

dwRet = RasGetEntryProperties(
bRet = (dwRet?false:true);

if (bRet) {
bRet = GetRASEntries();

if (bRet) {
bRet = GetDeficeID(L"Bluetooth", &iDeviceID);

return bRet;

if (bRet) {

//lRet = lineSetDevConfig((DWORD)iDeviceID, &m_DevConfig, dwSize, L"Comm");
//lRet = lineSetDevConfig((DWORD)iDeviceID, &m_DevConfig, dwSize, L"tapi/line");
// lRet = lineSetDevConfig((DWORD)iDeviceID, &m_DevConfig, dwSize, L"comm/datamodem/portname/Bluetooth DUN on COM2\0");
//lRet = lineSetDevConfig((DWORD)iDeviceID, &m_DevConfig, dwSize, L"Comm/datamodem");

bRet = (lRet?false:true);

return bRet;

bool CRASRegSet::InitVar()
// Read Config …

// m_RASEntry Variable
DWORD dwFlagOptions = 0;
DWORD dwChannel = 0;
bool bSpecificDNS = false;
bool bSpecificIpAddr = false;
int iDeviceType = 0;

// Set Variable

m_RASEntry.dwSize = sizeof(RASENTRY);

memset((void*)&m_RASEntry, 0, m_RASEntry.dwSize);

m_RASEntry.dwfOptions = RASEO_ProhibitEAP;

dwFlagOptions = RASEO_RemoteDefaultGateway;

if (bSpecificDNS) {
dwFlagOptions |= RASEO_SpecificNameServers;
// example : -> 0xA8, 0×5F, 0×1, 0×1
m_RASEntry.ipaddrDns.a = 0×1;
m_RASEntry.ipaddrDns.b = 0×1;
m_RASEntry.ipaddrDns.c = 0×5F;
m_RASEntry.ipaddrDns.d = 0xA8;

// example : -> 0xA8, 0×5F, 0×1, 0×2
m_RASEntry.ipaddrDnsAlt.a = 0×2;
m_RASEntry.ipaddrDnsAlt.b = 0×1;
m_RASEntry.ipaddrDnsAlt.c = 0×5F;
m_RASEntry.ipaddrDnsAlt.d = 0xA8;

// example : -> 0xA8, 0×5F, 0×1, 0×3
m_RASEntry.ipaddrWins.a = 0×3;
m_RASEntry.ipaddrWins.b = 0×1;
m_RASEntry.ipaddrWins.c = 0×5F;
m_RASEntry.ipaddrWins.d = 0xA8;

// example : -> 0xA8, 0×5F, 0×1, 0×4
m_RASEntry.ipaddrWinsAlt.a = 0×4;
m_RASEntry.ipaddrWinsAlt.b = 0×1;
m_RASEntry.ipaddrWinsAlt.c = 0×5F;
m_RASEntry.ipaddrWinsAlt.d = 0xA8;

if (bSpecificIpAddr) {
dwFlagOptions |= RASEO_SpecificIpAddr;
// example : -> 0xCB, 0×16, 0×5F, 0×2A
m_RASEntry.ipaddr.a = 0×2A;
m_RASEntry.ipaddr.b = 0×5F;
m_RASEntry.ipaddr.c = 0×16;
m_RASEntry.ipaddr.d = 0xCB;

m_RASEntry.dwfOptions = dwFlagOptions;

m_RASEntry.dwCountryCode = __COUNTRY_CODE__; //

_tcscpy(m_RASEntry.szAreaCode, __AREA_CODE__);

_tcscpy(m_RASEntry.szLocalPhoneNumber, __PHONE_NUMBER__);

_tcscpy(m_RASEntry.szDeviceName, __DEVICE_NAME__);

_tcscpy(m_RASEntry.szX25PadType, _T(""));
_tcscpy(m_RASEntry.szX25Address, _T(""));
_tcscpy(m_RASEntry.szX25Facilities, _T(""));
_tcscpy(m_RASEntry.szX25UserData, _T(""));

m_RASEntry.dwfNetProtocols = RASNP_Ip;
m_RASEntry.dwFramingProtocol = RASFP_Ppp;

switch (iDeviceType) {
case 0:
_tcscpy (m_RASEntry.szDeviceType, RASDT_Modem);
case 1:
_tcscpy (m_RASEntry.szDeviceType, RASDT_Direct);
case 2:
_tcscpy (m_RASEntry.szDeviceType, RASDT_Modem);
_tcscpy (m_RASEntry.szDeviceType, RASDT_Vpn);

// Number specifying the number of channels supported by the device,
// where 1 is mono, 2 is stereo, and so on.
m_RASEntry.dwChannels = dwChannel;
m_RASEntry.dwReserved1 = 0;
m_RASEntry.dwReserved2 = 0;
m_RASEntry.dwCustomAuthKey = 0;

// Init DevConfig
WORD wHeader; // 0×00(L:2), Val = 0×30, Unknown

WORD wWaitForCreditCardSec; // 0×02(L:2), Val = 0×0, Wait For Credit Card Tone Seconds,

WORD wCancelTimeOut; // 0×04(L:2), Val = 78 00 -> 0×78

WORD wReserved1; // 0×06(L:2), Val = 0×0,

BYTE bFlowControl; // 0×08(L:1), Val = 0×0,
// F.C. = None, Val = 0×0,
// F.C. = H.W., Val = 0×10,
// F.C. = S.W., Val = 0×20,

BYTE bWaitForDialTone; // 0×09(L:1), Val = 0×1, Wait For Dial Tone Before Dialing
// Enable Wait For Dial Tone Before Dialing, Val = 0×1
// Disable Wait For Dial Tone Before Dialing, Val = 0×3

WORD wReserved2; // 0×0A(L:2), Val = 0×0,

UINT uBaudRate; // 0×0C(L:4), Val = 00 c2 01 00, 0×0001c200 = 115200

WORD wTerminal; // 0×10(L:2), Val = 00(L^) 00(H) -> 0×0, digital (d2)(d1)(d0),
// d2:Manual Dial,
// d1:Use terminal window before dialing,
// d0:Use terminal window after dialing,

BYTE bDataBits; // 0×12(L:1), Val = 0×8,

BYTE bStopBits; // 0×13(L:1), Val = 0×0,
// StopBits = 1, Val = 0×0
// StopBits = 1.5,Val = 0×1
// StopBits = 2, Val = 0×2

WORD wParity; // 0×14(L:2), Val = 00(^L) 00(H) -> 0×0
// Parity = None, Val = 0×0
// Parity = Odd, Val = 0×1
// Parity = Even, Val = 0×2
// Parity = Mark, Val = 0×3
// Parity = Space,Val = 0×4

WCHAR wszAtCmd[331]; // 0×16(L:662),
// Why "331" -> Reg DevCfg TotalLen : 684(0~0×2AB)
// 684(0~0×2AB) - 22(0×0~0×15->0×16) = 662(0×16~0×2AB->0×296)
// 662(0×16~0×2AB->0×296) / sizeof(WCHAR)
m_DevConfig.wHeader = 0×30; // 0×00(L:2)
m_DevConfig.wWaitForCreditCardSec = 0×0;// 0×02(L:2),
m_DevConfig.wCancelTimeOut = 0×78; // 0×04(L:2),
m_DevConfig.wReserved1 = 0×0; // 0×06(L:2),
m_DevConfig.bFlowControl = 0×0; // 0×08(L:1),
m_DevConfig.bWaitForDialTone = 0×1; // 0×09(L:1),
m_DevConfig.wReserved2 = 0×0; // 0×0A(L:2),
m_DevConfig.uBaudRate = 0×0001c200; // 0×0C(L:4),
m_DevConfig.wTerminal = 0×0; // 0×10(L:2),
m_DevConfig.bDataBits = 0×8; // 0×12(L:1),
m_DevConfig.bStopBits = 0×0; // 0×13(L:1),
m_DevConfig.wParity = 0×0; // 0×14(L:2),
_tcscpy(m_DevConfig.wszAtCmd, _T("+cops=1,2,\"46692\";+cgdcont=1,\"ip\",\"internet\""));
return true;

bool CRASRegSet::GetRASEntries()
DWORD dwRet = -1;
DWORD cEntries;
bool bRet = false;
int i = 0;

lpRASEntryName->dwSize = sizeof(RASENTRYNAME);
if ((dwRet = RasEnumEntries(NULL, NULL, lpRASEntryName, &cb, &cEntries))
lpRASEntryName = (LPRASENTRYNAME)LocalAlloc(LPTR, cb);
lpRASEntryName->dwSize = sizeof(RASENTRYNAME);

// Calling RasEnumEntries to enumerate the phonebook entries
dwRet = RasEnumEntries(NULL, NULL, lpRASEntryName, &cb, &cEntries);

if (dwRet != ERROR_SUCCESS)
TRACE(_T("RasEnumEntries failed: Error %d\n"), dwRet);
TRACE(_T("Phone book entries in the default phonebook:\n\n"));
for(i=0;i <>szEntryName);
if(_tcsncmp((lpRASEntryName + i)->szEntryName, __DEVICE_NAME__, _tcslen(__DEVICE_NAME__)) == 0)
lpRASEntryName = (LPRASENTRYNAME)LocalAlloc(LPTR, cb);
lpRASEntryName->dwSize = sizeof(RASENTRYNAME);
return TRUE;

bRet = (dwRet?false:true);

return bRet;

bool CRASRegSet::GetDeficeID(TCHAR *btname, int *iDeviceID)
DWORD dwBufSize = 0;
DWORD dwNumDevices = 0;
DWORD dwDeviceID = 0;
DWORD dwErr;

// find the buffer size needed
dwErr = RasEnumDevices(NULL, &dwBufSize, &dwNumDevices);
if (!dwBufSize) return false;

lpRasDevInfo = (LPRASDEVINFO)LocalAlloc(LPTR, dwBufSize);

if (!lpRasDevInfo) return false;

lpRasDevInfo->dwSize = sizeof(RASDEVINFO);

if (RasEnumDevices(lpRasDevInfo, &dwBufSize, &dwNumDevices))
return false;

dwDeviceID = 0;
// Find the correct device ID for this connection type
while (dwDeviceID <>szDeviceType, RASDT_Modem, wcslen(RASDT_Modem)) == 0)
if(wcsncmp((lpRasDevInfo + dwDeviceID)->szDeviceName, btname, wcslen(btname)) == 0)
*iDeviceID = dwDeviceID;
return true;
return false;


Modem Reg Sample (這段 Reg 一定要加在 Platform.reg 中, 因 Modem Reg 是 Boot 時 Load 的, 即便用 Hive-based 的 reg 也要 Reboot 會才會 Work):

"FriendlyName"="Bluetooth DUN on COM2"

"bluetooth_dun" 這個 key 值可自訂, 如 GPSxxx... 等.

"FriendlyName"="Bluetooth DUN on COM2" 的 "Bluetooth DUN on COM2" 就要特別注意, 在 RasSetEntryProperties API 的第5個 Param : LPBYTE lpb 的 szDeviceName要和這個值("Bluetooth DUN on COM2") 一致, 若不一致, 會造成 RasSetEntryProperties 雖 Return Zero(Successful), 但在實際查看新增的撥號網路設定參數值均為 Default (如 Baud Rate : 19200)

若要使用 WinCE Default 的 Diaup AP 並配合自動撥號, 所要添加的 Reg 如下

"FriendlyName"="Bluetooth DUN on COM2"


"RasEntry"="BT Connection"


接著添加 exe And dll :

1. 從 P.B. 中添加 AutoDial : AutoDial(Catalog/Core OS/Communication Services and Networking/Networking - Wide Area Network [WAN]/Dial Up Networking [RAS/PPP]/AutoDial), 並將 Rnaapp.exe 放入 Files 中再 Rebuild OS.

2. 在 platform.bib 中添加

autoras.dll $(_FLATRELEASEDIR)\autoras.dll NK U

rnaapp.exe $(_FLATRELEASEDIR)\rnaapp.exe NK U
rnaapp.lnk $(_FLATRELEASEDIR)\rnaapp.lnk NK U

rapisrv.exe $(_FLATRELEASEDIR)\rapisrv.exe NK U
rapisrv.lnk $(_FLATRELEASEDIR)\rapisrv.lnk NK U

autoras.exe $(_FLATRELEASEDIR)\autoras.exe NK U
autoras.lnk $(_FLATRELEASEDIR)\autoras.lnk NK U

3. Check 在 .bib 中 List 的 File 在 Files Folder 中是否都存在.

4. 建立 .lnk 檔

Example : rnaapp.lnk 檔內容(最前面的數字代表 String Len, "#" 不計):


Example autoras.lnk 檔內容(最前面的數字代表 String Len, "#" 不計):


Example rapisrv.lnk 檔內容(最前面的數字代表 String Len, "#" 不計):


都 OK 後再 Rebuil OS 即可


Friday, October 03, 2008

The Data Structure For RasSetEntryProperties - lineGetDevConfig (WinCE 5.0)

Following Data Structure Is For RasSetEntryProperties - Parameter " LPTYPE lpb"

typedef struct {
WORD wHeader; // 0x00(L:2), Val = 0x30, ???
WORD wWaitForCreditCardSec; // 0x02(L:2), Val = 0x0, Wait For Credit Card Tone Seconds,
WORD wCancelTimeOut; // 0x04(L:2), Val = 78 00 -> 0x78
WORD wReserved1; // 0x06(L:2), Val = 0x0,
BYTE bFlowControl; // 0x08(L:1), Val = 0x0,
// F.C. = None, Val = 0x0,
// F.C. = H.W., Val = 0x10,
// F.C. = S.W., Val = 0x20,
BYTE bWaitForDialTone; // 0x09(L:1), Val = 0x1, Wait For Dial Tone Before Dialing
// Enable Wait For Dial Tone Before Dialing, Val = 0x1
// Disable Wait For Dial Tone Before Dialing, Val = 0x3
WORD wReserved2; // 0x0A(L:2), Val = 0x0,
UINT uBaudRate; // 0x0C(L:4), Val = 00 c2 01 00, 0x0001c200 = 115200
WORD wTerminal; // 0x10(L:2), Val = 00(L^) 00(H) -> 0x0, digital (d2)(d1)(d0),
// d2:Manual Dial,
// d1:Use terminal window before dialing,
// d0:Use terminal window after dialing,
BYTE bDataBits; // 0x12(L:1), Val = 0x8,
BYTE bStopBits; // 0x13(L:1), Val = 0x0,
// StopBits = 1, Val = 0x0
// StopBits = 1.5,Val = 0x1
// StopBits = 2, Val = 0x2
WORD wParity; // 0x14(L:2), Val = 00(^L) 00(H) -> 0x0
// Parity = None, Val = 0x0
// Parity = Odd, Val = 0x1
// Parity = Even, Val = 0x2
// Parity = Mark, Val = 0x3
// Parity = Space,Val = 0x4
WCHAR wszAtCmd[331]; // 0x16(L:662),
// Why "331" -> Reg DevCfg TotalLen : 684(0~0x2AB)
// 684(0~0x2AB) - 22(0x0~0x15->0x16) = 662(0x16~0x2AB->0x296)
// 662(0x16~0x2AB->0x296) / sizeof(WCHAR)
} sDevConfig;


 ... + ...........  政策 我負責. 負責推卸責任. (阿不然你以為哩...) 聽說 記錯了 請見諒 深感抱歉.... 抗(國外)疫(苗)中...